Living a balanced life does not imply allocating our time equally to everything, rather, we must learn how to actively organize our lives in a scientific and harmonious way, stay positive, and spread this way of life to everyone around us. Vegetable powders are frequently chosen to drink or mix into food to solve the problem of "lack of vegetables" for busy people. Vegetable powders are a naturally occurring source of nutrients that are extremely beneficial to health.


Everyone wants to live a balanced life, but in today's society, there are many pressures from work, family responsibilities, and social relationships... making it easy for them to overlap and spiral out of control. As a result, we are always busy, tired, stressed, and frequently overeat, sometimes forgetting to care for our health. Living a balanced life does not imply allocating our time equally to everything; rather, we must actively arrange our lives in a scientific and harmonious manner. We must always remain positive and spread this way of life to those around us.


Although you want to grow, it is undeniable that fatigue can overwhelm you at times, and it is all too easy to fall into a negative state brought on my life. There will still be days when you feel depressed or exhausted to the point of not wanting to do anything, easily grumpy, lethargic, and so on. So, what are we going to do to get ourselves out of this mess?


Towards a more balanced way of life, from the body to the emotions. 


People who have a good psychological state are usually able to control their moods and are aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Your actions, feelings, and thoughts will cause your body to react. If your spirit deteriorates for an extended period of time, it will weaken the immune system and impair the functioning of internal organs.


With today's modern lifestyle, achieving life balance can begin with eating healthily, making time for sports, exercise, jogging, and so on. You can rearrange your work or strike a balance between life and work to avoid becoming overburdened, which can lead to physical weakness, mental stress, and fatigue. 


Green vegetables contain nutrients that have the ability to heal emotions. People who eat a high-vegetable diet feel younger and more comfortable than those who eat a high-meat diet.


The pursuit of balance begins with eating habits. 


Developing a healthy eating habit, particularly getting enough nutrients from plant foods, will provide numerous health benefits. Eating and drinking are becoming more affluent and sophisticated as people's lives improve day by day. However, for many people who are pressed for time, eating well and in moderation is a major challenge.


It is quick and easy to meet if we simply eat delicious and filling foods because we can arbitrarily cook some favorite dishes or eat outside. However, if you continue to eat and drink with a nutritional imbalance between the four groups of substances important to the human body, the body will accumulate toxins and pathogens, causing the body to weaken, reduce resistance, and enter the "incubation" phase.


In the daily diet, the protein, sugar, and fat groups outnumber the fiber, vitamins, and minerals groups. Eating a lot of meat isn't necessarily bad, but eating fewer vegetables is definitely bad for your health. Green vegetables, in addition to promoting good digestion, aid in the elimination of toxins, the strengthening of resistance, the maintenance of beauty, and the maintenance of body balance.


Vegetable powders are frequently chosen to drink or mix into food to solve the problem of "lack of vegetables" for busy people. Vegetable powders are a naturally occurring source of nutrients that are extremely beneficial to health. It would be ideal if the majority of the food you ate in your body each day was organic vegetables. Not only that, but in addition to finding safe sources of vegetables, you must also know how to combine them to make them more visually appealing and delicious. And staying nourished will be difficult if you are constantly on the move. You can easily add green vegetables to your body whenever and wherever you want by carrying small packets of powder.


Eating and drinking should be given special attention because they are the direct path of toxins into the body, which accumulate a little each day, resulting in difficult-to-resist consequences. Eating right entails striking a balance between the four food groups of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, fibers, and minerals. To provide the body with the missing nutrients, you should supplement vegetables with vegetable powders in any form, such as eating, drinking, baking, etc.


The negativity that is "removed" leads to a healthy mind and body


The detoxification process necessitates that we learn to construct a scientific diet, prioritize organic food sources, consume more vegetables and fruits than usual, and so on. 


You frequently hear the word "detox" around you, but you don't seem to have a clear picture of why you need to detox. If you notice that your body is gradually becoming exhausted and depressed, and you need to regain energy for yourself after a long period of fatigue, now is the time to make the decision to detox your body.


Our bodies have a built-in detoxification system. However, there will be times when these organs will be overworked and will require rest. And you'll need to find an effective detox support product to relieve stress on your internal organs and keep them working more sustainably and effectively in the future. 


Detoxification is the process of preventing harmful factors from interfering with the normal physiological processes of humans and negatively affecting the body's function. Detoxification necessarily requires the removal of both bodily and emotional toxins.


  • Detoxing the body: Removes dirt and toxins that have accumulated in the body over time as a result of environmental damage from the air, chemicals, dirt,... and negative emotions such as anger and stress. In life, you can be straight, sad, or... To help your body detox, eat organic foods, avoid places where chemicals are stored, and wear protective clothing when going out.

  • Emotional balance: Balance your emotions with healthy habits, and build self-esteem by reading, cooking, exercising, or enrolling in classes that interest you, such as painting, pottery, crafts, fine arts, etc. Also, remember to clean your home on a regular basis to maintain hygiene and ensure good health. Even a minor impact can have an effect on the functioning of internal organs.


How do you pick the best vegetable powder?


There are numerous brands of vegetable powder available on the market. Choosing the right way to support the body's elimination of toxins and provide the necessary nutrients for the body, on the other hand, is always a concern for many people who want to lay a solid foundation for long-term health.


To eliminate toxins, you must first reduce the amount of the next toxin that is about to enter your body by selecting organic vegetable powder that is transparent about the growing area, manufacturing process, and certifications received by that brand. 


Dalahouse vegetable powders do not contain any flavors, additives, or preservatives. Whole flours, which are most easily identified by taste, frequently have the same smell as fresh, concentrated vegetables.


Dalahouse Vegetable Powder brings natural nutrition to you


Some people see the use of green vegetables as beneficial, and they have begun the plan with a glass of green vegetable juice every day to help the body eliminate toxins, improve self-resistance, and prevent some diseases caused by habits. resulting from unhealthy activities Health is a long-term construction and protection issue, not a short-term one. When we are young, we live a healthy lifestyle, with the intention of not having many diseases in the future.


  • Detoxification: Common types include Celery powder, Kale powder, Wheatgrass powder, Centella powder, and so on. It is preferable to use alternative powders to supplement nutrients. a variety of vegetables to help the body regenerate energy and maintain long-term health 


  • Sports world: When exercising, don't forget to take advantage of the nutrients in vegetable powder, because natural sources of nutrients aid in regenerating energy and maintaining long-term health. Kale powder and spinach powder are commonly used because they contain high levels of antioxidants and a variety of nutrients that support muscles.


  • Loved by women: After using vegetable powder for a while, the skin becomes bright and healthy, the weight is improved, and it is easier to control the diet, especially for women who work in an office, sit a lot, and are sedentary.


Dalahouse Pure Organic Vegetable Powder promotes a "Green - Clean - Healthy" eating lifestyle by providing numerous benefits and being simple to use. Dalahouse brings pure organic vegetable powder as a gift from nature to respond to the habit of "eating green - drinking green" - the wave for people to form healthy habits.


Furthermore, using vegetable powder to drink and process beverages such as milk, cooling water, smoothies, etc. Mixing the powder into foods like rice, porridge, yogurt, baking powder... The vibrant color enhances the flavor of the dish while maintaining the nutritional value of the vegetables. Dalahouse vegetable powder has vibrant colors and rich flavors because it is made from organic vegetables.


The nutrients in the vegetable powder have a variety of effects, including aiding digestion, increasing resistance, improving healthy glowing skin, eliminating impurities, clearing heat, detoxifying, providing energy, and fighting infections. oxygen and prevent pathogens from forming in the body,... and a variety of other applications depending on the specific characteristics of each type of vegetable


Dalahouse - Healthy food from a healthy land 


Dalahouse creates a full agricultural value chain from cultivation to closed production in order to be self-sufficient and control the raw material area and product quality. Construct an organic farm to serve the birth of standard organic vegetable powders. Using freeze-drying technology to preserve the nutritional value, fiber content, color, and natural flavor of fresh vegetables.


With the mission of assisting people in nurturing and achieving good health, Dalahouse always strives to produce quality products from carefully selected raw materials to assist users in achieving their health-improvement goals. The freeze-dried organic vegetable powder from Dalahouse meets US FDA international quality standards.





Office: 5B Pho Quang, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, City. Ho Chi Minh


Factory: Yen Khe Ha village, Lac Lam commune, Don Duong district, Lam Dong province.


Phone: 0286.276.1049 - 0911.113.796


Email: info@dalahouse.com


Website: www.dalahouse.com

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